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Soné Greeff -  Port Elizabeth

Paediatric Dietetic Appointment

Nutrition is so important for the growth of your little one. Ensuring he/she is meeting their nutritional requirements is vital to optimise growth and development. Let me help you obtain this while dealing with his/her medical conditions or fussy eating habits. In hospital referrals or as out patient.

Adult Allergy Dietetic Appointment

By doctors referral only. To unnecessarily avoid food groups from your diet could lead to macro and micronutrient deficiency and  can be detrimental to your health. Let me help guide avoidance and re-introduction of foods while meeting your nutritional requirements to improve your quality of life.

Weaning Webinar


Join me for everything you need to know regarding starting your baby on solid foods. Novice or pro, there is always something to learn from the most up to date guidelines on when, how and with what to start. What about textures, tastes, salt and sugar and allergies? Practical snack and meal ideas will be provided. Join us from anywhere in the world!

Megan Dimitriades - Pietermaritzburg

Paediatric Dietetic Appointment

Nutrition is so important for the growth of your little one. Ensuring he/she is meeting their nutritional requirements is vital to optimise growth and development. Let me help you obtain this while dealing with his/her medical conditions or fussy eating habbits. Email me at

or call 0608729587 for appointments.

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